Version : French
Duration : 13'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta SP - DVCam
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Mario MARRET
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Jimmy WALTER, voix de Bachir TOURE
Stage set
A village in West Africa
Archive footage
- Safari truck arriving in an African village,
- Auscultation of women and children to prevent leprosy and sleeping sickness,
- Microscopic analysis on a table in the middle of a village,
- Africans suffering from leprosy,
- Vaccination of women and children, collective vaccination,
- Serological examination: analysis by centrifugation, blood test, spinal sample taken in a laboratory under a tent,
- Sick child picked up on the road by an ambulance,
- Leprosarium: patients at the loom, playing the kora,
- Baby with malaria.
A favourite hunting ground for wild beasts and images, Africa is also a battleground for those who fight against suffering and death. Every year, thousands of men, women and children are counted and visited by doctors, despite the difficulties they have to overcome to inspire confidence. The causes and development of diseases are known, and the remedies exist. The causes and development of diseases were known, and the remedies existed, but it was still necessary to be able to apply them, first and foremost by combating complete ignorance of the concept of contagion. The practical organisation of mass medicine has already proved its effectiveness, but in Africa there is a shortage of medical staff.