Documentaries 50/60


Georges FRANJU
Version : French
Duration : 22'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Georges FRANJU
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Jean WIENER
Picture Jacques MERCANTON
Stage set Various industrial sites
With the participation of Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité
Prize list - Sélectionné à la XVI° Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematographica - Mostra de Documentario et de Cortometraggio - Venise - 1955
Archive footage Various industrial sites:
- Flax processing plant,
- Pebble grinding,
- Porcelain manufacturing workshop,
- Tunnel drilling,
- Charcoal factory, etc.

The slightest agitation, wherever it occurs, sets in motion the dust whose weight in the universe has been determined to be at least equal to that of the celestial bodies. We live in a feverish, agitated age, which makes certain types of dust particularly dangerous, but we have the means to protect ourselves. Industrial dust is dangerous, causing a lung disease called silicosis. Franju takes us to a number of particularly dangerous industrial sites (the flax industry, pebble crushing, porcelain manufacture, tunnel drilling, the charcoal industry) where people are highly exposed, and discusses the means available to combat this danger. Franju’s intention was not to make a simple prevention film, but to present the difficult jobs and working conditions in a sensitive and dramatic way.