Fiction short films

L’ENFANT ET LA PLUIE (The child and the rain)

Version : French
Duration : 18'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - DVCPro - Mpeg4
Black & white
Distribution : TV5
Scriptwriter : Mario MARRET
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Texte dit par Toto BISSAINTHE
Music Thèmes originaux africains
Picture Mario MARRET
Stage set Bandiagara cliff in Dogon Country and Mopti, a town on the banks of the Niger
With the participation of ORTF
Archive footage - African Dogon village,
- Dogon farmers,
- Women pounding millet and preparing the meal,
- Ceremony and festival among the Dogon, ritual dances,
- Rain ritual,
- Women fetching water from the cliff,
- Children playing in the village,
- Dogon child riding a donkey,
- African market,
- Niger River : fisherman casting his net, women washing, large pirogue loaded with goods.

Yango was playing jacks that day, like every other day. He will regret all his life having sold the fetish that makes the rain fall to a kind stranger. But the saving water will come from the bowels of the earth.