UN AMOUR DE CHAT (A cat’s love)

Version : International
Duration : 7'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta SP - Mpeg4
Producer : ARMOR FILMS - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Pierre GIRARD & Roger GAMBIER
Picture Albert PIERRU

Cupid the cat descends from the sky to the Land of the Beasts to stir up trouble and excitement in the hearts of the local tomcats and pussies. The arrows in the sky spare no one and the fever spreads to the other animals in the sky, on the ground and in the water in a mad chase. The graphic fantasy is given free rein in this film where the associations of ideas and coloured images crackle like the final bouquet of a firework display, where the stroke of a pen becomes a stroke of wit. And the whole thing is set to a frenzied jazz soundtrack.