L’INVENTION DU DIABLE (The devil’s invention)

Version : French
Duration : 17'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Distribution : Histoire (France)
Scriptwriter : Marcel GIBAUD
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Georges VAN PARYS
Picture Marcel GIBAUD
Archive footage - The first cameras,
- First motion effects,
- First cartoons,
- First animated photo projectors,
- First animated photographs,
- Photos of the Crimean War, first war reportage,
- Films on the praxinoscope,
- Animation with the feuilleteur,
- Lumière projection.

This film retraces the birth of moving images before the advent of the cinematograph. “Yesterday I was in the kingdom of shadows. It is not life but its shadow, it is not movement but its spectrum. Born of the magic lantern and the dark room, it is the invention of the devil. In Brussels, Plateau invented the cartoon, whose sarabande would last for almost half a century. On the other side of the Atlantic, a certain Newbridge built the first animated photo projector. With the Hanscluss machine, this time the result was almost perfect. History, said the press, would use the invention. One night in Lyon, Louis Lumière dreamt of the perfect machine and built it. It would capture the slightest gestures, glances and perhaps the soul of the world. From then on, His Majesty the Film reigned supreme over the world of images. With him, the century was drawing to a close, and he had invented everything with truly diabolical skill.