LE SANG DES AUTRES (Other people’s blood)

“Blood … by the drop, by the litre, by the tonne … It’s the future that bleeds. The future, for those who have reached the edge of the worst, is the blood of others. People have been fighting around the Mediterranean for five thousand years. The causes change, … the uniforms, the partners and even … Continued

LA PLUS GRANDE CHASSE (The greatest hunt)

A favourite hunting ground for wild beasts and images, Africa is also a battleground for those who fight against suffering and death. Every year, thousands of men, women and children are counted and visited by doctors, despite the difficulties they have to overcome to inspire confidence. The causes and development of diseases are known, and … Continued


The slightest agitation, wherever it occurs, sets in motion the dust whose weight in the universe has been determined to be at least equal to that of the celestial bodies. We live in a feverish, agitated age, which makes certain types of dust particularly dangerous, but we have the means to protect ourselves. Industrial dust … Continued

NATION- ÉTOILE (Nation – Étoile)

There are people in the metro, people from all over. People coming, going and meeting up: passengers on the line. Paris is not only the capital of France, it is also the city of Poles, Algerians, Angolans, Greeks and Vietnamese. I stood there with my camera and my sound engineer and waited: on the platforms, … Continued

MONTAGNES DU DÉSESPOIR (Mountains of Desperation)

One day, an Indian discovered a mountain of solid silver: Potosi. Lightning and thunder warned him that this wealth would not benefit him or his people, but a stranger who would come later. That stranger was the Spaniard, and since the conquest, the Indians, starving and miserable, have plundered, turned over and excavated this mountain … Continued

LA FAIM A PARIS (Hunger in Paris)

This film is a walk through the history of hunger in Paris. While the word “hunger” usually conjures up grim images of famine, this is only one aspect of the problem of supplying a large city, and one that should not obscure the picturesque and even funny sides of cooking and gastronomy. The history of … Continued

BON POUR LE SERVICE (Good to serve)

Film censored by the Film Control Commission because of the “subversive nature of the comments made about the army and military service” (Letter from the Ministry of Information, 5 August 1963). Apart from work, what do they offer you?… the twist and… military service. This sentence represents the opinion of a young boy interviewed immediately … Continued