Version : French, English, German, Spanish
Duration : 30'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Jean-Jacques LANGUEPIN
Producer : TÉLÉFILMS
Paul-Émile VICTOR, Michel PEREZ, Georges de CAUNES
Jean-Jacques LANGUEPIN
Stage set
With the participation of
Les Expéditions Polaires Françaises, Centre National de la Cinématographie,
Prize list
Sélectionné à la X° Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematographica - Biennale de Venise - 1949
Archive footage
- Approaching the coast of Greenland by boat: bosun in the ropes, ice-covered sea, ice avalanche,
- Disembarking tractors: a tractor falls into the sea, a rowboat is overturned by a wave,
- Nest of young birds under a stone,
- Tractors in difficulty on a slope, pulling a caravan,
- Caravan transported by cableway installed by the team,
- Convoy in difficulty on the ice in the middle of faults,
- Scientists at their instruments, readings transmitted by radio
- Sound: radio communication with R.T.F. in Paris,
- Exploring a crevasse, falling rocks.
One evening in May 1948, aboard the “Force”, Paul Emile VICTOR and his companions saw the snowy ridges of Greenland rise up in the last ray of sunlight. After a stop at the last Eskimo trading post, they disembarked at the foot of immense ice cliffs, to the top of which the equipment was hoisted after enormous difficulty. As soon as the camp was set up, the expedition carried out various scientific tasks and prepared the ground for new explorations in the years to come.
Additional archives: Searching for a route through the crevasses, setting up camp in the snow under a blizzard, drilling into the ice to measure its temperature.